Значения для термина "apprehended by faith" отсутствуют.
1 Wherefore works do not render consciences pacified but only mercy apprehended by faith does.]
2 The truth is apprehended by faith , sometimes aided by revelation, or reason, or intuition, or spirit revelation.
3 Christ, apprehended by faith and dwelling in the heart, constitutes Christian righteousness, for which God gives eternal life.
4 And all the other promises of the covenant, apprehended by faith , have no small influence on our cleansing; 2 Cor.
5 Christ, however, is apprehended by faith alone; wherefore we are accounted righteous by faith alone for Christ's sake.]
6 The bow is seen commonly upon, or after rain; Christ's righteousness is apprehended by faith upon, or soon after the apprehensions of wrath.
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