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Значения термина arrest the progress на английском
Значения для термина "arrest the progress" отсутствуют.
Использование термина arrest the progress на английском
Then a fierce opposition begins, banks and long dikes accumulate to arresttheprogress.
South of the lower Amoor are the Shanalin mountains, which arresttheprogress of birds.
But this action was not sufficiently decisive to arresttheprogress of the Persian arms.
Nothing, however, could arresttheprogress of the malady.
The child sank gradually, nor could the surgeon's skill avail to arresttheprogress of death.
The eloquence of Red Jacket had been exerted in vain, to arresttheprogress of the white men.
He wished, perhaps ignorantly, to arresttheprogress of civilization and substitute a slovenly ideal of his own.
England wished to arresttheprogress of democratic ideas in France by restoring the rejected Bourbons to the throne.
If they desire to weaken the power of that party, and arresttheprogress of slavery agitation, reject it.
It was a bold undertaking to break up the American Union, and to arresttheprogress of its benign principles.
With the exception of extraction by primitive and painful methods, nothing efficient is done to arresttheprogress of decay.
And Dr. Teale has been quite clear that with proper care it is possible to arresttheprogress of the disease.
The best means to arresttheprogress of the pestilence in the people's food have occupied the attention of scientific men.
The attendants seemed trying to arresttheprogress of the sloughing by drenching the sores with a solution of blue vitriol.
These aspirations have conspicuously been made manifest in their determined and well-organised efforts to arresttheprogress of the Germanic aggression.
He told me to be of good courage; that it was not yet too late to arresttheprogress of my disease.