Examples for "loaf "
Examples for "loaf "
1 The men searched everywhere; there was but one loaf in the boat.
2 The loaf improves in flavour for several days and needs no icing.
3 Baking times vary according to the loaf size and choice of cycle.
4 Put the egg in last, and carefully pour over loaf ; Serve hot.
5 Bake in large greased loaf pan in moderate oven about one hour.
1 I remembered something Trapp had told me once about his bridge - bum days.
2 The trim, khaki-garbed enlistment officer rubs elbows with the lodging house bum .
3 Guess the lamp is on the bum , but you hardly need that.
4 The law, missing the right quarry, descends on the slower-moving, harmless bum .
5 I just couldn't resist giving him the bum 's rush for a change.
1 Few remained indoors, and few possessed the calmness to loll in deck-chairs.
2 Tawdrily dressed girls saunter along the sidewalks, or loll from the window-sills.
3 All afternoon I take it easy and loll around on the sofa.
4 What should he loll in the bed for, and dirty the bedclothes?
5 The latter seemed to loll on, totally heedless of such a tributary.
1 To her right, skiers relaxed in the lounge around a big fire.
2 The night's too wonderful to do anything except lounge around and think.
3 We would swim and lounge around , then head back to the flat.
4 Passengers used to lounge around , drinking free juice of tomato and watching TV.
5 Police and soldiers lounge around cradling automatic weapons and enjoying the overtime bonanza.
1 All afternoon I take it easy and loll around on the sofa.
2 She let her head loll around as if she was possessed.
3 You loll around in a pink dressing gown all morning.
4 You can either keep your pyjamas on, loll around and watch telly all day.
5 They'd sooner loll around and sleep in the sun and collect white men's wages for doing it.
1 Next morning I got up early, and took a lounge about Saratoga.
2 Then they lounge about , gossip, and quarrel a good deal, I suspect.
3 He had rather lounge about all First-day at street corners with his acquaintance.
4 What do you lounge about on that terrace for every evening?
5 To tell you the truth, I seldom have time to lounge about in studios.
1 Maybe we could drive out to the Maritimes, bum around Nova Scotia for a few days. God.
2 All he's done around here since we built the anchor modifier is bum around finding his inner geek.
3 In Portland, "it is fairly easy to bum around town if you have a camper of some variety as well," Pecknold adds.
4 I bummed around a couple of years, feeling very sorry for myself.
5 There's no reathon why you should be bumming around in the chorus.
1 If you're bumming about Chef Vergennes not being the killer, look at the glass-half-full part, Nikki.
1 Anyway, these days it's mostly just used to arse about , make little sculptures.
2 The only thing radical he gave a rat's arse about was free radicals with unpaired electrons.
3 But I'm guessing he blew fire up some Canadian arses about needing to fix that.
1 Now be so good as to drink your water and fuck off . '
2 Right now I just wanted him to back the fuck off me.
3 To tell policemen to fuck off and get a smile in return.
4 If you are not classified to receive this material, fuck off , Jack.
5 You don't like the terms, you can just fuck off , can't you.
1 If you start frigging around with that, you're putting everything on the line.
2 I know your grandfather died in his garage in Iowa City frigging around with his chainsaw while he was drunk.
1 Having acquired that status, one should never waste one 's time in the indulgence of one's senses.
3 He could see no bearing between the two in point, and, anyway, girls were rather silly creatures to waste one 's time over.
1 Rag Week seems to go on for ever, it's just an excuse for them to arse around .
2 Radio says it was kids arsing around .
3 Bloody students arsing around again, he thought.
4 The condition is that if you get any of my men killed by arsing around , I will personally shoot you.
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Translations for arse around