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Meanings of as scandalous in английском
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Usage of as scandalous in английском
The American Civil Liberties Union has described the decision asscandalous.
In 1654 named persons were ejected asscandalous, ignorant and insufficient ministers and schoolmasters.
To be drunk at Bath is asscandalous as mad.
Is not the adulteration of food just now asscandalous as it is unchecked?
Ms Tatarata's lawyer has described the murder charge asscandalous.
Agreed - but no verbal contradiction is nearly asscandalous as a contradiction between avowed principle and action.
And why is this not asscandalous as a company with no ferries being awarded a ferry contract?
The belated announcement and the uncertainty and disruption it caused were nearly asscandalous as the asbestos crisis itself.
But the show doesn't treat those issues asscandalous but rather just as a normal part of people's lives.
Green MEPs described the newly minted test procedure asscandalous and pledged to use all legal avenues to block it.
There's no doubt that Lily Allen's confession was seen asscandalous in part because she spoke about visiting female escorts.
Members of an Oireachtas committee have described asscandalous the EU's failure to disburse billions of euro in overseas aid.
Trade union Unite described the production cuts asscandalous and criticized BMW for sacking agency workers who cannot claim redundancy pay.
Parliamentarian Moetai Brotherson said a complaint was to be lodged against the prosecutor for exceeding his powers, describing his move asscandalous.
Rheinberger is in any event clear about what especially concerns him asscandalous (in the same sense as the incest taboo):
Just asscandalous is the violent behaviour of the Ukrainian security forces against peaceful demonstrators, he said, according to the text of his speech.