Rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint.
Examples for "asceticism "
Examples for "asceticism "
1 According to him, the ideal of Christianity was the ideal of asceticism .
2 Athleticism in England is an asceticism , as much as the monastic rules.
3 It combines sublimity with asceticism and wickedness, in a most marvellous manner.
4 III.-Hedoes not touch upon Happiness; probably he would lean to asceticism .
5 The self - asceticism , and most probably the mother-complex cannot be passed without mention.
1 Nam ascesis consuetas tantum et tritas perfectionis semitas ostendit, mystica autem adhuc excellentiorem viam demonstrat.
2 [Footnote 20: In a Roman Catholic manual I find: Non raro sub nomine theologiæ mysticæ intelligitur etiam ascesis , sed immerito.
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