1 He was not contented with being the Tsar of a semi-barbarous and half- Asiatic people .
2 Empire passed under the control of rude Asiatic peoples .
3 This nation, so recent compared with the Asiatic peoples , was five hundred years without historians.
4 They were the foremost Asiatic people of their time, and were fully conscious of their pre-eminency.
5 The Asiatic people chose the first possibility.
6 If there were any slumbering tiger-instincts in this half- Asiatic people , was not this enough to awaken them?
7 From the tribute of Asiatic peoples .
8 Its inhabitants may be divided into two main divisions: Europeans, chiefly French and British; and African and Asiatic peoples .
9 The Asiatic peoples had been forced in self-defence into a like diversion of the new powers science had brought them.
10 There remains only the third and last objection to be met-theadaptability of the Asiatic people to the representative form of government.
11 Its rude inhabitants, the Finns, were related in language, and doubtless in blood also, to the Huns, Magyars, and other Asiatic peoples .
12 Relying on Mr. Gladstone's well-known love of peace, they sought to degrade the British Government in the eyes of the Asiatic peoples .
13 Others have but little resemblance to Egyptian monuments, and were really the work of the Asiatic peoples among whom they were found.
14 All Asiatic people have a deep respect for tradition and the Sumerian tradition demanded that an altar be plainly visible for miles around.
15 The Parsees may be easily distinguished from all other Asiatic people by their features, and especially by the lighter colour of their skin.
16 They were an Asiatic people , from the northern slopes of the Ural Mountains, who had been moving westward since the commencement of the century.
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