Examples for "leastways "
Examples for "leastways "
1 Nothing in the Bible against poker; leastways that I could ever find.
2 I expaict you'll like Wyoming, Miss Messiter; leastways I hope you will.
3 I think he wouldn't mind good, leastways that what my mammy say.
4 She come back last night, sir; leastways Mister Tom brought her back.
5 I wouldn't stand in no boy's way-nota boy like you, leastways .
1 Never a belt seed I, sir; leastwise while you were in my hands.
2 I reckon as how I can, sah, leastwise so far as ther gate.
3 But mostly he don't belong to anyone, leastwise his own self.
4 Thar's four; leastwise thar was four hosses, and two-theInjuns likely-areridin' double.
5 Not at your mammy's knee, leastwise , he said, in sober deprecation.
1 Nothing dangerous, at any rate , or she wouldn't have suggested the idea.
2 Well, never dine alone in public; at any rate , in the evening.
3 For the moment, at any rate , the lesson would not be given.
4 So he'd told himself, at any rate , when he left law school.
5 That is what happens in the immediate short term at any rate .
1 But I must be allowed at least one good idea per case.
2 The last crisis brought Europe and the world together, at least briefly.
3 This week included two quite novel events - at least novel recently.
4 The law said the waiting period should be at least 60 days.
5 The International Rules project will continue for at least another four years.
6 You might think climate change isn't your problem, at least not yet.
7 Main outcome measures: Visual acuity at least 3 years after CNV diagnosis.
8 Some analysts see a slowdown already this year, at least in Europe.
9 There was the original problem: that at least was pretty clear now.
10 Mass demonstrations have resulted in at least 40 deaths there this year.
11 Perhaps true, at least in terms of time needed to train speed.
12 To receive treatment, patients must be at least 18 years of age.
13 However, he is expected to remain in hospital until today at least .
14 Under state law, at least 75 percent of union members must approve.
15 This, let us hope, is at least part of our future-whateverhappens.
16 This year, at least 216 farmers have committed suicide in the state.
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