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Значения термина attract significant на английском
Значения для термина "attract significant" отсутствуют.
Использование термина attract significant на английском
Will any of the nonblack candidates attractsignificant support from African American voters?
It's also the first to attractsignificant mainland backing from the private sector.
The contracts are not expected to attractsignificant volume.
The private rental sector (PRS) will undoubtedly continue to expand and attractsignificant capital.
Freeing up access to geological data has the potential to attractsignificant investment to mineral-rich countries.
But Generali had until now failed to attractsignificant interest, several banking sources have told Reuters.
This would attractsignificant EU money.
Chinese companies debuting in the United States -though much smaller -are also likely to attractsignificant attention.
But the market for that debt remains small and has yet to attractsignificant interest from big foreign investment funds.
Williams' performances on the field almost certainly will not match the hype, and his signing is going to attractsignificant criticism.
Ryanair, the second largest constituent on the index, continued to attractsignificant investor interest as the company's international investor roadshow continued.
Pipeline companies can attractsignificant acquisition interest from private equity firms, infrastructure and pension funds, given the steady returns which they generate.
The sale of such valuable sites to developers is likely to attractsignificant opposition, especially if they are used for luxury developments.
As such, it is expected to attractsignificant interest from investors looking to capitalise on the current worldwide attention on these sectors.
The sale of the former residence of the Danish ambassador to Ireland is expected to attractsignificant interest from developers and investors.
Many are leading properties in their submarkets, and would likely attractsignificant investor and lender interest, providing contingent liquidity to the company.