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Значения термина base cr на английском
Значения для термина "base cr" отсутствуют.
Использование термина base cr на английском
However, patients exiting a center- basedCR program have difficulty retaining its benefits.
Conclusions: CVD patients show interest for technology enabled home- basedCR.
The magnitude of outcome improvement is similar to centre- basedCR.
However, uptake of community- basedCR is very low.
Home- basedCR appears to be safe with no evidence of increased risk of hospitalisation or death.
A four-phase yoga- basedCR (Yoga-CaRe) programme was developed for delivery by a single yoga instructor with basic training.
These findings support the provision of home- basedCR for heart failure as an evidence-based alternative to the traditional centre-based model of provision.
Conclusions: We demonstrated a shift toward increased parasympathetic and possibly, blunted sympathetic effect in this cohort after completion of an exercise- basedCR program.
Conclusions: Home- basedCR results in short-term improvements in exercise capacity and health-related quality of life of heart failure patients compared to usual care.
Home- basedCR programs have been shown to be equally effective in clinical and health-related quality of life outcomes and yet are not readily available.
Background: Exercise- basedCR is indicated in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, but no data exist regarding CR participation after VAD implantation.
Mobile technology (mHealth) has potential to reach more patients by delivering CR directly to mobile phones, thus providing an alternative to centre- basedCR.
Methods: A quasi-randomized controlled trial comparing home- basedCR plus usual care with usual care alone was undertaken with patients following coronary artery bypass graft surgery.