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Значения термина base fertilizers на английском
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Использование термина base fertilizers на английском
At the Vale plant, it is used to make nitrogen- basedfertilizers.
Now, the world produces about 87 million tons of N- basedfertilizers.
Potash Corp, the world's largest fertilizer maker, produces nitrogen, phosphate and potassium- basedfertilizers.
Nitrogen- basedfertilizers-whichhave massively boosted crop yields over the past few decades-comewith serious costs.
Vale mines potash and nitrates and makes nitrogen- basedfertilizers.
This is good news for Agrium as the crop typically needs large amounts of nitrogen- basedfertilizers.
Agrium uses natural gas in the manufacture of nitrogen- basedfertilizers such as ammonia, urea and ammonium nitrate.
Small farmers in the region have been hurt by skyrocketing prices for oil- basedfertilizers and higher transportation costs.
Many oil- basedfertilizers and pesticides are prohibitively expensive for small growers now with oil around $120 a barrel.
While nitrogen- basedfertilizers did well on the retail level, lower sales volumes for potash and phosphate-based nutrients held back Agrium's wholesale business.
The Company focuses on the production of phosphate- basedfertilizers, feed phosphate and high-grade phosphate rock, as well as ammonia and nitrogen-basedfertilizers.
Agrium said the outlook globally for nitrogen- basedfertilizers like urea and ammonia appears more stable, because of increased demand from India, Pakistan and Brazil.
In May, India's government reduced subsidies for phosphate and potash- basedfertilizers for the fiscal year that began in April, easing demand and lowering international prices.
Agrium, the largest North American ag products retailer, is also one of the region's largest producers of nitrogen- basedfertilizers that are essential for growing corn.