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Значения термина be minimum на английском
Значения для термина "be minimum" отсутствуют.
Использование термина be minimum на английском
The question is whether the impact will beminimum or severe.
There'll also beminimum standards for new principals, and consider training for school trustees.
But it is our resolve, it is the resolve of the army that there should beminimum collateral damage.
We were prepared to pay something for that hill, but if we could rush it, the cost would beminimum.
This could beminimum funding levels for the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, or minimum standards for responses to level 3 emergencies.
Fines will also be imposed for excessive use of trading systems and there will beminimum limits for the smallest price changes, the paper said.
The rotation periods laid down under the new law will beminimum requirements, as some countries like Italy and the Netherlands have adopted shorter periods.
We believe there should beminimum guarantees to which every citizen is entitled when it comes to enforcing their rights -otherwise they are worthless.
The proposals set down that there would beminimum of 37 hours which staff would have to work and a maximum of 39 hours.
The latter areminimum values because intact chloroplasts leaked DMSP during isolation.
Two hundred dollars isminimum for a ten-day cure in a private sanatorium.
This time there isminimum, so the price will be market value, they said.
It 'sminimum security camp time: We're talking ping-pong tables and a sunny running track.
There 's minimum fuss and hardly any officers here, he said.
One blue rinse and our losses areminimum.'
It might be they adjust bands in such a way there isminimum or even lower impact.