The Turkish vessel was carrying arms to the besiegedgarrison at Canea.
Farther to the east, one lonely marker indicated the besiegedgarrison at Potsdam.
On every side signs of the desperate plight of the besiegedgarrison were only too apparent.
I count my little hoard day by day, as a castaway might, or a besiegedgarrison.
Poor Woodfull, captain of a besiegedgarrison, might well have looked to the heavens for rain.
During the British-Boer War It formed the sole means of communication between besiegedgarrisons and the relief forces.
This operation concluded, he stood to one side while the besiegedgarrison passed out by the same route.
Thou art of the form of the moats and ditches that surround fortified towns and give the victory to the besiegedgarrison.
Gun after gun responded to the signal, and through thirty-six hours, without the loss of a single life in the besiegedgarrison.
George was like a besiegedgarrison within a secure fortress; there was no chance of enticing him out beyond the shelter of his walls.
Bonaparte made eight desperate but ineffectual assaults upon the city, which were repulsed by eleven furious sallies on the part of the besiegedgarrison.
It was his intention to assault the king's army in its entrenchments in combination with a determined sortie to be made by the besiegedgarrison.
In addition to his message, he took with him a supply of some forty pounds of percussion caps for the use of the besiegedgarrison.
This timber was struck six or eight miles out from the besiegedgarrison, at a point known as Palo Alto-"Talltrees" or "woods."
Forty thousand from home were on their voyage of 12,000 miles around the Cape of Good Hope to relieve the besiegedgarrisons.