Brown pigment made from boiling the soot of wood.
1 She looked white and spent; there were bister circles round her eyes.
2 Well, then, observe me; note the bister about my eyes, the swollen lips, the shaking hand.
3 Bister Burds, you bust go to Londod by the next traid.
4 I bay be wrodging Bister Ford, but do dot thig so.'
5 She sneezed, and said, "Oh, Berribad, is thad Bister Thordhiud?" She gestured for the phone.
6 ' Bister Glossop, you will be in charge of the school.
7 'Cub id, Bister Burds,' said my employer, swallowing a lozenge.
8 ' Bister Burds, what is the expladation of this extraordinary affair?'
9 'White will accompany you, Bister Burds,' he said doggedly.
10 ' Bister Burds, I understood you to-ah-saythat the scou'drels took their departure without the boy Ford.'
11 "I saw him in a dream." Between them the boy's white face was slack, shut eyes sunk in bistered hollows of pain.
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