An electrical device consisting of an insulated panel containing switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices.
A printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities.
Food or meals in general.
Examples for "cardboard "
Examples for "cardboard "
1 Place this cardboard in the bottom of the spider under the water.
2 A hole is cut in the center of the paper or cardboard .
3 The cardboard box that used to hold the cake was also empty.
4 Rodas placed a palm on the cardboard box holding his case notes.
5 However, peering into a plastic or cardboard viewer is back in fashion.
1 Attractively bound in art boards , fully illustrated, well printed on good paper.
1 Another selection, Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd., makes paper board in China.
2 And then, my pack of cards, and a set of draughts, with a paper board and the pieces made of sealing-wax.
3 These sandwich skillets are made from paper board laminated with a plastic film, to preserve freshness and create a window in the packaging.
4 Large crown 8vo., paper boards , with picture in colour on the cover
5 There are three folio volumes, bound in paper boards .
Другие значения термина "board" 1 The new company would list on the main board within 12 months.
2 It said the local board granted its approval in principle last year.
3 The five-member board will likely rule in the case by next year.
4 I ask the student to work some physics problem on the board .
5 Academic says new Fiji constitution takes on board concern about land rights.
6 Ngarewa-Packer said after Monday's problem, the board promised 50 tests a day.
7 But the district health board 's public health team were on the line.
8 A new state elections board will go into effect on Jan. 31.
9 However, right now we are in the drawing board stage, Sachdev said.
10 Manurewa local board chairperson Angela Dalton said the change had created problems.
11 Photo: .guilty Approach your average American and say you enjoy board games.
12 Culpability is with the pollution control board , state and central environment authorities.
13 Publicis' board is looking at internal candidates only so far, he said.
14 This is the investors' second letter to Leaf's board within four days.
15 He also said the FMA had concerns over so-called independent board members.
16 The expansion in all health board areas of the community mothers schemes.
Другие примеры для термина "board"
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