Having a short or shortened tail.
1 That he are, Coyote 'Pash, the very niggurs that bobtailed this child's ears.
2 Mister, my bobtailed grey tomcat, came flying out of the darkened apartment as I opened the door.
3 Mister, my bobtailed grey tomcat, was waiting when I opened the door, and tried to bolt out.
4 Mister, the bobtailed grey tomcat who shares my apartment, hurled himself at my legs in a shoulder-block of greeting.
5 Tom was a big, black, bobtailed cat eleven years old who had lived with Ed since he was a kitten.
6 At the same time, there was a harsh feline yowl, and Mister, my bobtailed grey cat, came zooming out of the bedroom.
7 The cars were little " bobtailed " receptacles, usually badly painted and more often than not in a desperate state of disrepair.
8 Bob-Tail- adishonorabledischarge, or a discharge without honor; to be " bobtailed " - to be discharged or to be given a discharge without honor.
9 Mister, my bobtailed , battle-scarred tomcat, had leapt up onto the stones before the fireplace, his luminous green eyes wide and fixed on Susan.
10 Another meeting at The Bobtailed Fox was convened.
11 Bobtailed Grizzly Bear departed.
12 Then a meeting was called for Saturday, the 18th December, to be held at that well-known sporting little inn The Bobtailed Fox.
13 There was a meeting at The Bobtailed Fox yesterday, and the gentlemen was all of one mind to go by what your Lordship would say.
14 'Maybe if you took an axed him, he'd marry you-whenthe moon falls down the chapel chimney and rabbits chase the bobtailed sheep-dog!
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