From the first, the great majority of the peasants stolidly resisted the socialization of the country, but this did not discourage the bolshevistleaders.
The incapacity of the Bolshevistleaders is indicated by the fuss they made over such details.
Zinovieff... is that combination of idealistic Hotspur and practical executive which is characteristic of many Bolshevistleaders.
Even the industrial workers as a whole, in their present stage of development, were not to be trusted, according to the Bolshevistleaders.
To attain this objective the Bolshevistleaders not only launched direct assaults on the West, but also planned flank attacks in Asia and Africa.
"-Shortlyafter the publication of the constitution, Lenin and Trotzky, the two bolshevistleaders, established what was called the "dictatorship of the proletariat."