UBS's new bonds are designed to help bolsterthebank in tough times by absorbing losses.
The banks must also hold 5 percent capital in bonds that can be used to bolsterthebank in an emergency.
The former RBS boss Fred Goodwin asked shareholders to stump up £12bn to bolsterthebank's capital position, which had fallen dangerously low.
If at a certain stage Societe Generale management considers it intelligent to bolsterthebank with a natural partner there could be something to do.
Prosecutors said Huff conspired with Antonucci and another bank executive, Matthew Morris, to bolsterthebank's capital by faking a $6.5 million cash infusion.
ILP's deposits, which are now the subject of two official investigations, falsely bolsteredthebank's financial health in the run-up to its collapse.
Strong loan growth, particularly in Canadian residential mortgages, bolsteredthebank's personal and commercial banking business, which rose 7% from a year earlier.