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The miners are surviving on food, medicine and water passed down a small bore-hole.
Rescuers lowered a television camera down the bore-hole, and some of the miners looked into the lens.
Rescuers lowered a television camera down the bore-hole on Sunday, and some of the miners looked into the lens.
Nenagh Urban District Council has started drilling a second bore-hole in order to secure a new water supply for the town.
Rescuers plan to reinforce the bore-hole and then send narrow plastic tubes called "doves" down it with food, hydration gels and communications equipment.
The drillings from the blasting bore-holes collected make the best test.
He tells Guyon Espiner that a primary focus for the charity was cleaning contaminated bore-holes so people had access to clean drinking water.
August 8 - Rescue workers begin drilling bore-holes 5 inches in diameter into the mine to try to locate the miners.
Aug. 8 - Rescue workers begin drilling bore-holes 5 inches (12 cm) in diameter into the mine to try to locate the miners.