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Значения термина borrow the words на английском
Значения для термина "borrow the words" отсутствуют.
Использование термина borrow the words на английском
To borrowthewords of the prime minister herself: enough is enough.
We can not do better than borrowthewords of Mr. Ruskin:
Keep 'em, to borrowthewords of Police 5 star Shaw Taylor, peeled.
To borrowthewords of Augustine Thou, Lord, forsakest nothing thou hast made.
I borrowthewords of another writer speaking of this supreme effort on the part of France:-
To borrowthewords of the old lady in the boarding house, I was surely wrong Mr. Wright.
To borrowthewords of a Jewish proverb "the apple never falls far from the tree".
She was, to borrowthewords Barbara had used to her brother with regard to him, true as steel.
The Civil War was fought because (to borrowthewords of Abraham Lincoln) "the country could no longer endure half-slave and half-free".
Hastings, like Zama, impresses us as having been a "dishonest victory," to borrowthewords with which Milton so emphatically characterizes Chæronea.
For a start, there's broad agreement amongst observers that the major label model must become, to borrowthewords of Michael McDowell, radical or redundant.
He borrowedthewords used from Aleksei Ivanov, a 45 year old Russian writer whose work Zhurov found online, developing the film around them.
"A world," to borrowthewords, though not the application, of the Greek historian, "is his monument."