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Значения термина brushing the ceiling на английском
Значения для термина "brushing the ceiling" отсутствуют.
Использование термина brushing the ceiling на английском
Somehow Edgar had grown impossibly tall, his head almost brushingtheceiling beams.
He was at least seven feet tall, his helmeted head almost brushingtheceiling.
Standing, he would be at least seven feet tall, his head brushingtheceiling.
Her head was brushingtheceiling of the cabin.
Angeline's body pivoted stiffly until she hovered upright, her halo of charged hair brushingtheceiling.
He felt his hair brushingtheceiling, felt the stab of the rib in his back.
I was glad it was a big room- Icouldget on my knees with my back straight up, cap not even brushingtheceiling.
"It matters." He stood, the top of his head nearly brushingtheceiling.
"Hello, little witch." He straightened, his head nearly brushingtheceiling- acreatureof sharp angles and spindle-thinlimbs, attenuated to the point of grotesquerie.