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Значения термина buy a rifle на английском
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Использование термина buy a rifle на английском
But they only have to be 18 to buyarifle or shotgun.
When you go out, my dear, please buyarifle;
The new measures include raising the minimum age to buyarifle and creating a "guardian" program allowing school staff to carry handguns.
The minimum age for handguns nationally is 21, but a person as young as 18 can buyarifle in Florida.
The minimum age for handguns nationally is 21, but a person as young as 18 previously could buyarifle in Florida.
TV3 reporter Heather Du Plessis-Allan is facing prosecution for buyingarifle with falsified credentials.
He once boughtarifle to kill his family.
Topics - TV3 reporter Heather Du Plessis-Allan is facing prosecution for buyingarifle with falsified credentials.
On the way I boughtarifle, three hundred cartridges, an ax, a knife, a sheepskin overcoat, tea, salt, dry bread and a kettle.
According to Muscat's account, after getting the contract to kill Daphne, the plotters first decided to shoot her and boughtarifle with telescopic sights.