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Значения термина call trouble на английском
Значения для термина "call trouble" отсутствуют.
Использование термина call trouble на английском
His had some attitude problems, but nothing he'd really calltrouble.
Although most of what we make is what other people would calltrouble.'
No, not what you could calltrouble.
I've had enough of what the world callstrouble to kill a dozen ordinary men, but just look at me-gettingstronger every day.
Theodore Baradale Martin was called Ted, or Teddy, and Janet's name was more often shortened to Jan. William was calledTrouble as I have mentioned.
"Will you please, Mrs. Gray," said the kind voice of one who knew her story, "tell the ladies what you calltrouble?"
"Not what the legal department would calltrouble," answered Ford evasively; and for ten other miles the narrowness of the bridle-path discouraged conversation.