Librarian or library worker who catalogs library materials and creates or maintains metadata.
Examples for "cataloguer "
Examples for "cataloguer "
1 In temporary use by a cataloguer , or some other library assistant; or 6.
2 Hilary Pyle is both Jack Yeats's biographer and cataloguer , so her credentials in this field are impressive.
3 The cataloguer stated his case in sufficient fulness of detail and the first page of the text was reproduced.
4 An expert cataloguer connected with one of the large auction firms of New York then took up the subject.
5 The cataloguer labels the books as they come in and prepares cards which will represent the books in the catalogue.
1 Cataloger 's Mew, the Bindery, Bolts, Palimpsest, all of them were busy as beehives, full of quiet, industrious scrivs.
2 Bezos: I went to a catalogers association and started looking at product categories that do well by mail order: No.
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Translations for cataloger