My church is now just a concrete footprint and a few charredbeams.
The walls of her house had burned away, leaving only charredbeams, flagstones and the fireplace.
The roof of the house had been burnt, and the charredbeams were lying on the ground.
Where the house had stood was a mound of twisted iron girders, charredbeams and broken slates.
Blackened uprights stood among charredbeams and planks while crockery and iron pots and pans were scattered all around.
The gate opened upon a narrow alley, encumbered now with charredbeams and heaps of refuse from a burnt house across the way.
Burned walls were bulging out over the street and half- charredbeams were obstructing the way, obliging the vehicle to zigzag through the smoking rubbish.
I rubbed my eyes, looked again, and made out on the spot of the camp, not my waggon, but some charredbeams of wood.
Smoke was still curling up from the charredbeams and rafters of the cottages, and the destruction had evidently taken place but the day before.
Everywhere is a chaos of charredbeams, twisted girders, broken masonry, and smouldering ashes, with forlorn groups of inhabitants wandering in search of missing relatives.
Charredbeams crisscrossed within.
"And the wooden floor and stairs, too." Evan stared down at the jumble of charredbeams.