Значения для термина "chosen medium" отсутствуют.
1 No other jamboree has such an influence on its chosen medium .
2 Artists whose chosen medium is diamond, they can execute any cut, on any stone, of any size.
3 Perhaps that the Co Down author is not widely known is attributable to his chosen medium : comic books.
4 Post is a deft composer hobbled by his chosen medium , one dedicated to cranking out glutinous hokum bereft of genuine emotional resonance.
5 Doubts have recently arisen, it appears, as to whether it will ever be the chosen medium of communication in the League of Nations.
6 Actually, how's about this for a notion: ZZ Top are in fact an absurdist modern art project whose chosen medium is the 12-bar blues.
7 This figure alone proves what a sculptor Luca was, apart altogether from the charm of his mind and the fascination of his chosen medium .
8 EBONY: Why have you chosen Medium as its platform?
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