(Of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers.
Clean and tidy up the house.
To remove dirt, dust or foreign matter from.
Examples for "unclean "
Examples for "unclean "
1 Each year, millions of people acquire this infection by drinking unclean water.
2 The behaviour of that unclean white madman is furious in the extreme.
3 Another source of colic in the breast-fed baby is the unclean nipple.
4 But a pig is only the unclean animal-theforbidden of the prophet.
5 Mustn't allow the unclean rise of emotion get the better of him.
Другие значения термина "clean" 1 He needs to: clean up politics; protect the economy; and extend opportunity.
2 Boom, gone, Donald Trump said about the clean power plan last year.
3 The river clean - up process should take place next year, it has said.
4 New York looked clean , perhaps for the first time in a year.
5 The new year presents the perfect opportunity to spring clean your kitchen.
6 Keep 'em clean and feed 'em good and you got good stock!
7 I knew it was time to come clean and ask for help.
8 Tents, food aid, clean water and medicine were rushed to the area.
9 We need fifty million in clean , used bills here in one hour.
10 As long as the oil is clean this is a good idea.
11 If Australia leads the new clean , industrial revolution, will economic opportunities appear?
12 A good clean birth -Western toilets increase the risk of complications.
13 Buhari said the government was committed to a clean - up of polluted areas.
14 His administration has promoted clean energy as one way to create jobs.
15 In many parts of the world, clean drinking water means bottled water.
16 International lenders gave bailed-out Ireland a clean bill of health on Thursday.
Другие примеры для термина "clean"
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