Statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods.
The weather in some location averaged over some long period of time.
The prevailing psychological state.
Subject category of the 20th Century Press Archives.
1 China's new climate - related insurance services, however, often depend on heavy government subsidies.
2 Tackling climate change is an international problem that needs an international solution.
3 Sea level rise has become mired in the debate over climate change.
4 Last year saw Harry increasingly focus on the issue of climate change.
5 Mr Hutchby said climate change is the main issue on the agenda.
6 The fight against climate change made higher food prices inevitable, he said.
7 A climate change new deal will create new jobs, its proponents argue.
8 Why China matters to climate change and climate change matters to China.
9 Children are already feeling the effects of climate change, the report said.
10 Fink said these funds' performance was improving in the current market climate .
11 COMPROMISE The proposal is part of EU efforts to fight climate change.
12 Take the recent historic EU climate change deal to reduce CO2 emissions.
13 You might think climate change isn't your problem, at least not yet.
14 Of course, that onetime injection has a devastating long-term cost: climate change.
15 Develop and implement a national strategy on climate change, health and wellbeing.
16 This paper highlights the intersections between global health, climate change and governance.
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