In addition, the dissolved protein filaments can't coagulateinto normally dense aggregates, so the cooked meat seems more tender.
The squiggles of the pen refused to coagulateinto letters and the letters themselves refused to assemble into comprehensible words.
If the thickener goes directly into the sauce, then some of the thickener will get instantly overheated and coagulateinto grainy particles.
Sentimental notions about place, language and lineage often coagulateinto a nationalist movement that threatens to wrench away part of a larger nation.
And consommé is traditionally clarified using egg whites, which, like isinglass, bind to small particulates and then coagulateinto a large mass that's easily removed.
As the stock heats up, the abundant egg white proteins begin to coagulateinto a fine cheesecloth-like network, and essentially strain the liquid from within.
Not all the space dust around the earth coagulatedinto planets, of course.
The proteins have coagulatedinto a solid matrix, trapping much of the fat in place.
When heated, it coagulatesinto a white elastic mass, and the coagulating substance is called albumen.
It was in Kosovo that discontent, unrest and revolt coagulatedinto the League of Prizren in 1878.
Cow's milk coagulatesinto rather large pieces of albumin which are tough and therefore rather difficult to digest.
A breezy, sunny Saturday dries off the tents and the clothes, and the mud coagulatesinto a solid mass.
As I began my professional preparation for a career in paleontology, this vague dissatisfaction coagulatedinto two operational foci of discontent.
Saul gazed at an asteroid of a deep red, and saw there all the blood he had shed coagulatedinto one massive lump.
Nearly all food proteins respond to the heat of cooking by unfolding, bonding permanently to each other, and coagulatinginto a firm, solid mass.
Breaking Bad, Mad Men, all those Nordic thrillers that have in the collective memory coagulatedinto one dour, room-temperature blur of subtitles and low-hanging skies.