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Conclusion: Evidence supports cocaine-associated deficits in attention processing through age 7 years.
However, the relationship between cocaine use disorder and social decision-making remains unclear.
Alvarez said that cocaine abuse would cause circulation problems in the heart.
At this point, she had already been abusing cocaine for a year.
However, there is growing evidence that cocaine can also augment dopamine release.
Использование термина cocain на английском
On the operating table the epiglottis and pharynx are painted with 10 per cent solution of cocain.
If further anesthetization of the bronchial mucosa is required, cocain may be applied in the same manner through the bronchoscope.
When cocain is injected into a nerve trunk, we are told that an effectual physiologic "block" is produced.
The spasms were greatly relieved by cocain administered by the mouth, as much as 15 grains being given in twelve hours.
This may be done by making use of cocain in solution for the production of local anesthesia as in lameness of the phalanges.
An anesthetic solution of cocain or novocain may be applied to the metacarpal or metatarsal nerves and an entirely satisfactory examination is then possible.
Here it was discovered that he had been using quantities of codein and cocain, against the sale of which there were then no restrictions.
Cocain should never be used with children, and is of little use in esophagoscopy in adults.
Cocain is obtained from the leaves of the South American coca tree, but can be made artificially from coal-tar products.