A device applied to the end of a pipe in order to interrupt and regulate the flow of a liquid or gas.
The part of a firearm that hits the back of the bullet and sets it off, firing the gun.
To walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others.
Examples for "peter "
Examples for "peter "
1 All could have more usual winter conditions as wetter conditions peter out.
2 Peter de Lange agreed the beefed-up government measures were a good start.
3 Peter Dunne's United Future also thought Mr Matthews had questions to answer.
4 Such, unfortunately, was the case with Peter Banning's sense of Parental Responsibility.
5 BBC Online's Europe analyst Laurence Peter explains the context of the crisis.
1 So when did a dick pic become the new way of flirting?
2 Another combination of three words that made his dick want to dance.
3 Justice was served and you went home to chew on your dick .
4 She no longer had a dick , but she'd bought into something better.
5 One minute, I've got enough air, and my dick 's in my hand.
1 The tool should help policymakers to plan future land use, she said.
2 Conclusions: RCTs are an important tool for evidence based health care decisions.
3 Mitsotakis said the fund gave all EU members an important financial tool .
4 Many companies use credit reports as a screening tool for potential employees.
5 The Performance Measures tool arrives at an inflection point for government transparency.
1 Over the mountains in the east came the first shaft of day.
2 This was the farthest point from the shaft in the entire mine.
3 Used four times at the base of the shaft near the tower.
4 She almost didn't see it in time- a vertical shaft yawning directly ahead.
5 A minute later, ballast men slide into view in the secondary shaft .
1 No wonder the American thought the Englishman used to be a prick .
2 We have no friggin' idea where the prick was all that time.
3 And the two prick forward at once; for there was no delay.
4 The first prick of it overthrew the last remnant of my patience.
5 Even the harmonium seemed to prick up its wooden ears in anticipation.
1 Older'n Methuselah's pecker , he said, and laughed as if this was funny.
2 No matter how black things looked, I always kept my pecker up.
3 Make it yours, young New Year, and 'twill keep up your pecker .
4 Whilst he was away the wood - pecker came again and looked into her nest.
5 Come on and get your pecker out then, whatever you are.
1 Just now when you said 'Search me.' The putz woulda done it.
2 As he disappeared into the crowd, I thought, What a putz .
3 You're old enough to pull your putz , you should be already a man.
4 I talked to Rafael's new lawyer the other week, but the guy's a putz .
5 That putz Rudolph. She swallowed, and I could practically smell the pain on her.
Другие значения термина "cock" 1 He was a dead rooster; yea, a dead cock in the pit.
2 The edges of the bridges and balance cock can be left smooth.
3 In one case, we are dealing with a cock - up of frightening proportions.
4 It was morning now; the cock was still crowing down at Sirilund.
5 It is too late; the cock is awake, and he must go.
6 And Paul was not the most daring cock quail in the stubble.
7 He paused, to receive the remainder of the cock - pheasant in his face.
8 Of course there has been a cock - up , which has enraged the England.
9 A new cock in the barn-yard is never received with great cordiality.
10 And the cock and all his tribe cried out: We found it.
11 He was surprised to see not a turkey cock in the farmyard.
12 The dog eats the cock , and thus death comes into the world.
13 Others pitched nets to catch the wind, and took cock - lobsters in them.
14 When I had buried the reverend gentleman I heard the cock crowing.
15 But his other news concerns a cock pheasant, a fine gaudy creature.
16 The cock crowed for the second time, but the grating still held.
Другие примеры для термина "cock"
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