The subset of colors which can be accurately represented in a given circumstance, such as within a given color space or by a certain output device.
1 That's because the whole upgrade here is a new color gamut .
2 The original high-definition color standard captured a relatively small triangle of the human-perceivable color gamut .
3 The Sony Trilluminous display supports a wide color gamut and HDR, resulting in fantastic visuals.
4 Apple's ultra-wide color gamut , on top of the super-high resolution, makes it the best laptop display I've ever seen.
5 When compared to plasmas, LED backlit sets also tend to have better energy efficiency, increased contrast and a richer color gamut .
6 The recent announcement of Sharp's Limited Edition XS1U-S TV brings this tech home with a 150% NTSC color gamut and a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1.
7 The smaller iPad Pro supports not one but two color gamuts , including the kind used in 4K TVs.
8 They have new screens with newly wide color gamuts , the same super-accurate tech it used in the iPad Pro.
9 For one thing, the smaller iPad Pro supports not one but two color gamuts , including the kind used in 4K TVs.
10 It's called the Color Gamut : a color map that can analyze an image or video to identify all of its colors in precise, three-dimensional space.
11 Colors are rich and vibrant -the new Nexus 7 has a 30 percent wider color gamut than its predecessor.
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