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The thousands of Irish laborers engaged upon the work added to the liveliness and colorfulness of the city life.
As every bird-watcher knows, the beauty of a bird's song is inversely correlated with the colorfulness of its plumage.
I hadn't made the connection, thinking the plastic was a very practical, indeed Finnish, touch to balance the zany colourfulness of the famous pattern.
Использование термина color saturation на английском
Picture quality was consistently sharp and clear with impressive colorsaturation.
The images are all true-color , modified only by a 10 percent increase in colorsaturation.
The colorsaturation depends on the bond between the shell surface and the dye's molecules.
It blasts the brightness and colorsaturation, making your TV look like a Times Square jumbotron.
DisplayMate suggests, among other things, Google improve the factory display calibration to correct colorsaturation and contrast.
The film's shooting style is also irrationally exuberant: the cinematographer pushed "the colorsaturation and the contrast", he has said.
Both tablets bear a 1280x800 resolution, but the Pad doesn't offer the colorsaturation or the contrast range of the Prime.
In terms of picture quality, the Nexus One photos had "way too much contrast and colorsaturation, to the point of appearing gaudy," says DisplayMate.
Colors are bright and rich (it has 44 percent more colorsaturation than the 4S), text is expectedly crisp, and high-resolution images look stunning.