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Значения термина compact majority на английском
Значения для термина "compact majority" отсутствуют.
Использование термина compact majority на английском
I have got the compactmajority behind me, let me tell you!
We form, as it were, a compactmajority in the town-ifwe choose.
You have the compactmajority on your side Doctor.
Besides, haven't I got the liberal-minded, independent press to lead the way, and the compactmajority behind me?
The most dangerous enemy of truth and freedom amongst us is the compactmajority-yes ,thedamned compact Liberal majority-thatis it!
We adopted the latter plan, which, on its being put to the vote, proved to have a compactmajority in its favour.
He has no house; he has not the favor of the palace like Metternich; nor, like Villele, the protection of a compactmajority.
Do you want me to let myself be beaten off the field by public opinion and the compactmajority and all that devilry?
He had not considered the government as permanently secure until three hundred deputies at least had the courage to form a compactmajority systematically ministerial.
Dr. Stockman was right: "The most dangerous enemies of truth and justice in our midst are the compactmajorities, the damned compact majority."