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Значения термина complete obliteration на английском
Значения для термина "complete obliteration" отсутствуют.
Использование термина complete obliteration на английском
It is the first time a president has ever proposed their completeobliteration.
With the completeobliteration of all circumambient space, the wind fell.
They are due to the failure of a completeobliteration of the thyroglossal duct.
Clinical and radiographic follow-up demonstrated resolution of the presenting symptoms and near- completeobliteration of the aneurysm.
An angiographic control showed a completeobliteration of the aneurysm and a free running bypass in all cases.
After follow-up period of 37 months, the completeobliteration rate was 64.9%.
But his elocution in other respects was perfect, admirably distinct and impressive from its completeobliteration of the reader.
The mechanisms leading to this form of cholangiopathy with stricture formation and completeobliteration of bile ducts are unknown.
Centres of memory stirred from an age-long sleep, so that he could have wept at their so completeobliteration hitherto.
After a median follow-up period of 47.5 months, 5 patients (62.5%) achieved completeobliteration.
Fraud allegations included the vast majority of the cases which resulted in a near or completeobliteration of the target's stock value.
This ceaseless drifting of the sand was an object-lesson which illustrated very practically the completeobliteration of Egypt's ancient cities and lost civilizations.
Her crazed ex-husband hadn't been content just to kill her; she'd had the temerity to leave him, and only completeobliteration would do.
Surgical resection can be achieved with acceptable morbidity, and completeobliteration of nidus should be accomplished in any treatment modality to avoid post-treatment haemorrhage.
Blackouts and fragmented drunken memories reveal drunken sexual fumbles, a savage kangaroo killing spree and the completeobliteration of all the trappings of civilisation.
Angiographic diagnosis and endovascular treatment by right gastric artery embolization proved safe and efficacious, resulting in completeobliteration of the aneurysm with no adverse sequelae.