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Использование термина compulsive gambling на английском
Oliver had to be getting desperate to cover his compulsivegambling-andhis debts.
Martin Paterson knows just how dangerous compulsivegambling can be.
It classifies compulsivegambling as an addiction, the first behavior to be so categorized.
Someone who is in recovery for another addiction is especially vulnerable to compulsivegambling, experts say.
There is no specific psychiatric expertise available to deal with compulsivegambling in Ireland, writes Paul Cullen.
Each person was asked about - among other things - compulsivegambling, shopping, sexual behaviors and eating.
She has always insisted the Gambling Act will not lead to a rise in social problems such as compulsivegambling and crime.
Ms Russell estimates that for every one person addicted to alcohol, drugs or compulsivegambling, at least five other people are directly affected.
They've all landed back at their aged mother's spare hearth due to their particular problems: blackout drinking, compulsivegambling, non-stop whoring and chronic fighting.
The director of the Toranfield House addiction centre, Miriam Finnegan, said job creation in the industry must be balanced against the effects of compulsivegambling.