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He found the secluded recess, and the ancient concretion he had seen before.
These are the shape and motions of the fluid which gives the calcareous concretion.
A concretion of rounded quartz pebbles, cemented by ferruginous matter, apparently of recent formation.
For Coryphene, they brought a chair carved from a single concretion of blood coral.
Sixteen years before the concretion was passed she was known to have swallowed a tooth.
By accident-orsupernatural design-theconcretion had naturally formed an exact replica of a woman's sexual organ.
The concretion may in this way preserve intact the lamination lines or other structures of the rock.
Some fossil, such as a leaf or shell, frequently forms the nucleus around which the concretion grows.
De Brosses was well aware that heathen religions were a complex mass, a concretion of many materials.
I presume that these concentric layers were formed by the shrinking of the concretion, as it became compact.
A calcareous concretion is sometimes found in the centre of the nut, to which peculiar virtues have been attributed.
He had a concretion as large as an orange in his bladder, his liver was diseased, and his heart was ossified.
I have them also attended with circumstances of concretion and crystallization, which, besides being extremely rare, are equally curious and interesting.
At one side of the concretion a piece had been broken off exposing an incisor tooth which represented the nucleus of the formation.
This inconsequential character of what remains over follows of itself from the concretion of whatever is constant and efficacious into the external world.
The induration of mortar arises from the solution of a stony substance, and the subsequent concretion of that dissolved matter, operations purely chemical.