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Значения термина conditional deletion на английском
Значения для термина "conditional deletion" отсутствуют.
Использование термина conditional deletion на английском
Clonal analysis of individual RGLs revealed a rapid exit from quiescence and enhanced symmetrical self-renewal after conditionaldeletion of γ2.
The function of YAP in the hepatic response after BDL was further evaluated with liver-specific Yap conditionaldeletion in mice.
Upon conditionaldeletion of Sox2, differentiation of both taste and non-taste epithelial cells was blocked, and progenitor cell number increased.
Upon conditionaldeletion of GATA-3, mice exhibited severe defects in mammary development due to failure in TEB formation during puberty.
Here we demonstrate that conditionaldeletion of HSI from the active hGH locus in the adult pituitary effectively silences hGH-N expression.
A conditionaldeletion of Gde2 was used to study the temporal requirements for GDE2 in neuronal survival.
In contrast, when the conditionaldeletion of Ctgf was achieved by Oc-Cre, an osteopenic phenotype was observed only in 6-month-old male mice.
To determine whether RBP-J deletion decreased the endowment of renin cells, we traced the fate of these cells in RBP-J conditionaldeletion mice.
Reactivation of NRF2 signaling, conditionaldeletion of STING, or blockade of type I interferon receptor I restored the immunoinhibitory potential of PERK-ablated MDSCs.
We show that mitochondrial pyruvate uptake is essential for optimal thermogenesis, as conditionaldeletion of Mpc1 in brown adipocytes leads to impaired cold adaptation.
The selectivity of the antibody was confirmed in mice with a glial conditionaldeletion of the gene encoding Kir4.1.
Here we used Olig2-cre conditionaldeletion of Dicer gene in motor neuron progenitors to examine effects of miRNA biogenesis disruption on postmitotic spinal motor neurons.
Finally, exogenous progesterone caused an exaggerated proliferative response in the mammary glands of mice harboring a mammary-targeted conditionaldeletion of the full-length isoform of Brca1.
Moreover, conditionaldeletion of Pten drastically weakened synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity at excitatory synapses between CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus.
We used Cre-mediated conditionaldeletion of Rac1 in neurons combined with knockout of neuron-specific Rac3 to study the role of these GTPases in neural development.
Conditionaldeletion of Apc in the murine intestine alters crypt-villus architecture and function.