To hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of.
Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits.
To contain or hold; have within.
Include or contain; have as a component.
1 However, it did contain proposals covering 10 aspects of Dublin's transport crisis.
2 The Irish Times debate: Should an EU treaty contain a social dimension?
3 As a result, Whois entries may soon contain a lot less information.
4 The files he held in his hand simply didn't contain enough information.
5 The narrator wonders: does language contain history the way plvwood contains flight?
6 The site will also contain original content, products, services and downloadable tools.
7 Highlights this week: Movie: Glass Synopsis: You cannot contain what you are.
8 It is also found in food products, particularly those that contain rice.
9 As a result, the slave will contain different data than the master.
10 Fruit and vegetables are, of course, carbohydrates, and do contain natural sugar.
11 These reports will not contain individual's names and will become public information.
12 But important decisions have been made to confront and contain the crisis.
13 Moreover, milk is considered to contain other components effective for bone health.
14 However, it is very important to know what items it should contain .
15 The gowns protect health workers' clothes from droplets that might contain Covid-19.
16 The 92-year-old company is struggling to contain the crisis following Woodford's revelations.
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