Значения для термина "contemporary feminism" отсутствуют.
1 This premise of contemporary feminism has been a sentimental illusion from the start.
2 But contemporary feminism and poststructuralism, in discarding religion, have rejected nature and defamed art.
3 These are the lines that gave birth to contemporary feminism .
4 The old leftist roots of contemporary feminism are clearest in its hostility to religion.
5 Christina Hoff Sommers is an author and philosopher famed for her critique of contemporary feminism .
6 Its success took the publishing world by surprise and made so much possible for contemporary feminism .
7 She says contemporary feminism portrays women as victims and men as the enemy who represent the patriarchy.
8 Photo: supplied Christina Hoff Sommers is an author and philosopher famed for her critique of contemporary feminism .
9 Her work deals with contemporary feminism and the realities of being a first generation South Asian New Zealander.
10 Resisting these binaries is a daunting task; a task that has created a considerable rift among contemporary feminism .
11 So we have these two large areas: we have aesthetics missing from contemporary feminism and we have psychology.
12 An American scholar sternly critical of contemporary feminism , Christina Hoff Sommers says gender feminism has replaced equity feminism.
13 In some ways, contemporary feminism is a house built on sand, because its ideology is so removed from practical reality.
14 Journalist, Sasha Borissenko, was one of those on stage at The Blaming of the Shrew: From the Frontlines of Contemporary Feminism .
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