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Использование термина convergence zone на английском
The result was to shift the intertropical convergencezone southwards.
The debris ends up concentrated by circular, clockwise ocean currents within an oblong-shaped convergencezone.
Dr James Renwick says small changes to the South Pacific convergencezone can also add to dramatic weather variability.
The results show that the convergencezone is clearly visible at between 56.5 and 57 degrees south.
These droughts resulted from something completely new to scientists: unusually warm Atlantic sea-surface temperatures, which shifted the rain-bearing inter-tropical convergencezone northward of the Amazon.
Meteorologist Carol Maafala Baqui says a South Pacific convergencezone, which also acts as a trough, is responsible for the incessant downpours since the weekend.
Such transformations depend largely on the migratory whims of the Inter-tropical ConvergenceZone.
The plane flew into a notoriously stormy area that shifts around the Equator, known as the Intertropical ConvergenceZone.
The modern state of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation promotes a northerly maximum of tropical rainfall associated with the Intertropical ConvergenceZone (ITCZ).