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Значения термина cordial approbation на английском
Значения для термина "cordial approbation" отсутствуют.
Использование термина cordial approbation на английском
She laid her hands upon her cousin with cordialapprobation, and gazed lovingly at him.
John, greatly relieved by this announcement, signified his cordialapprobation, and the captain began his relation:
The scout turned to her with a smile of honest and cordialapprobation as he answered,-
He even laid the subject before the Council of State, and they gave it their cordialapprobation.
Clara Day and Traverse Rocke were betrothed with full knowledge and cordialapprobation of the young lady's father.
Although Estelle is rather young to have married, the match has received the cordialapprobation of tho entire family.
Copies of its proceedings were sent to the Continental Congress, then sitting at Philadelphia, and they received cordialapprobation.
He gave it his cordialapprobation, and said that he found no word to alter, to add, or improve.
Some of these I should prefer not to have seen made; but other important changes do meet my cordialapprobation.
This speech met with the cordialapprobation of the company; the army soon after took up its march for the settlements.
That genuine cordialapprobation was so pleasant that the thought crossed her, 'Was she going to be a blessing to her family?'
On thee, I pray, let this business rest; and whomsoever, in thy wisdom, thou shalt appoint, be assured the appointment will receive my cordialapprobation.
"Every one of these ideas our native brethren entered into with the greatest readiness and the most cordialapprobation."