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Manfred pauses for a moment, triggering agents to go hunt down arrest statistics, police relations, information on corpusjuris, Dutch animal cruelty laws.
One may find a great many valuable things in the CorpusJuris Civilis.
He laid his hand on the FIRST volume of the CorpusJuris Civilis.
There stood in the book-shelves a copy of the CorpusJuris Civilis,-thefine Elzevir edition of 1664.
To these must be added the "Leges Juliae" which are preserved in the CorpusJuris Civilis.
Except for Canon Law, the CorpusJuris Civilis remained the chief study of the Faculties of Law for more than five centuries.
The laws of Germany were founded on the CorpusJuris of the Romans, a stern code which relegates women to the position of chattels.
II.See A. J. H. de Clercq, Recueil des traites de la France; F. A. Wenk, Corpusjuris gentium recentissimi, 1735-1772, vol.
The greater part of the CorpusJuris was compiled at Constantinople, 529-533 A.D., by certain eminent jurists under the Roman Emperor, Justinian.