Evaluation of the credit risk of a prospective debtor, predicting their ability to pay back the debt, and an implicit forecast of the likelihood of the debtor defaulting.
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An estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments.
Examples for "credit "
Examples for "credit "
1 Standard Chartered said today it planned to issue credit cards in China.
2 He also said credit market conditions caused many vendors to tighten terms.
3 To Oprah's credit , she mentioned victims of abuse outside the entertainment industry.
4 For example, funds with exposure to credit markets had a strong year.
5 The energy sector remains a credit risk, too, despite rising oil prices.
1 We do have a very good credit rating ; we're in good shape.
2 Yet the deal's implications on UPS's credit rating remain unclear, sources said.
3 Moody's reviews the UK credit rating tonight, though no change is likely.
4 Merck aims to preserve a strong investment grade credit rating , it said.
5 Standard & Poor's raised Greece's credit rating out of default territory today.
6 The exports will help the GDP statistics and the overall credit rating .
7 A credit agency has warned that America's credit rating is at risk.
8 For instance, a sponsor may just wish to maintain a credit rating .
9 Its credit rating has been downgraded nine times since Christie took office.
10 The issue rating is one notch lower than the corporate credit rating .
11 Moody's Investors Service said it may cut Bank of America's credit rating .
12 And Friday night, the major credit rating did just as it telegraphed.
13 The credit rating agency did not respond to requests for further comment.
14 That standoff prompted a first-ever downgrade of the United States' credit rating .
15 The downgrade put Spain's credit rating at the same level as Italy.
16 A key part of applying for a loan is your credit rating .
Other examples for "credit rating"
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This collocation consists of: Translations for credit rating