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Значения термина crocket(crockets) на английском
Значения для термина "crockets" отсутствуют.
Использование термина crockets на английском
In autumn these become brown seed crockets, and are most decorative.
The gable has crockets, and a cross at the apex.
The crockets were like upright pillows swollen on one side.
Even the broken finial and the two crockets lying on the ground expose your ignorance.
A large pinnacle, richly decorated, like the others, with crockets and finials, finishes the compartment.
The north-eastern and the small east buttresses terminate just beneath, in gables richly ornamented with minute crockets.
The arch head is ogee-shaped outside, with large external, and smaller, but not less rich, internal crockets.
The crockets and finials of this style, as decorative embellishments, are peculiarly graceful, chaste, and pleasing in contour.
The gargoyles are smashed; statues, crockets, and spires tumbled; walls split and torn; windows thrust out and tracery obliterated.
I is sorry you doesn't like dese crockets, fur de madame made un wid her own clean red hands.
Neither yet will the tracery of its windows, the foliage of its crockets, or the fretting of its mouldings be forgotten.
From this root we are able-butit must be in a lecture on crockets only-totrace the succeeding changes through the curl of Richard II.
These buttresses have, alternately, a pedestal with a canopy above; and a pedestal supporting a small flying-buttress terminating in a pinnacle enriched with small crockets.
The order has been given to set aside all the fragments of stone belonging to the decoration of the pinnacle, remains of crockets, ornaments, &c.
Crockets fell in a heavy rain of carven stone.
Of such lambent ornament, the most important piece is the crocket, of which I rapidly set before you the origin.