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Значения термина current spate на английском
Значения для термина "current spate" отсутствуют.
Использование термина current spate на английском
The currentspate of real first dates hasn't helped either.
For Hamas, the currentspate of fighting serves two purposes.
Vulcanologists warn that yesterday's eruption may not be the last in the currentspate of activity.
The currentspate of North-South diplomacy could be short-lived, giving way to resumed tensions and mounting fears of war.
Some 97 per cent of respondents said they did not feel safe in light of the currentspate of violent crimes.
Councillor Jimmy Moran of Nenagh urged the return of the death penalty in view of the currentspate of serious crime.
These very people now decry the currentspate of public sector disputes which are a direct result of undermining Ruairi Quinn's stance.
Australia is a nation built on waves of immigration, but the currentspate is proving to be the most difficult and divisive.
The currentspate of violence started in January 2004 with a raid on a military barracks and a slew of arson attacks on schools.
A "piecemeal" World War III may have already begun with the currentspate of crimes, massacres and destruction, Pope Francis has warned.
Efforts involving the Stormont department of justice and the Prison Service were held today amid growing concern over the currentspate of dissident republican violence.
It follows then that the currentspate of predictions about the shape of Ireland to come needs to be treated with a deal of caution.