Значения для термина "cushion divan" отсутствуют.
1 Caliph leaned back in the cushioned divan and folded his arms.
2 Then, twisting around, he lowered himself and dropped triumphantly upon a cushioned divan .
3 I found Moses Brickland, seated on his leather- cushioned divan , watching the movements of the engine.
4 There were cushioned divans , exquisite pottery, and a playful fountain plashing in a marble pool.
5 I said, sinking into a most luxurious silk- cushioned divan .
6 Nan subsided on to the wide, cushioned divan .
7 Rameses, solitary and luxurious, was stretched upon a cushioned divan in the shadow of a canopy over the hypostyle.
8 The low table of blue stone, dressed with fine white cloths, stretched at one side flanked by the cushioned divans .
9 She sent for him to come into an inner room where she and her ladies sat, closely veiled, upon a cushioned divan .
10 The room is of cedar planking throughout, and is absolutely without furniture, save the carpeting and the cushioned divan on which I am seated.
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