That can be given a date.
Examples for "dateable "
Examples for "dateable "
1 I think she will be forever the most dateable Disney star, he added.
2 For too many lesbians, seeking out dateable women is an ordeal.
1 I think she will be forever the most datable Disney star, he added.
2 The statistics of datable objects discovered in these buildings seem conclusive on this point.
3 Jews lived in hopes of finding the lost Ark, or even any unmistakable, datable remains of the First Temple of Solomon.
4 Fortunately, it has been found buried grains of quartz or felspar contain datable traces of when they were last exposed to sunlight.
5 I know women who can have a fifteen-minute bar conversation with a guy and determine whether said guy is datable and sex-able.
6 Did I ever mention he got voted Best Looking and Most Datable in high school?
7 129), but it finds its closest analogy, among datable sculptures, in a fragment of relief recently found at Rhamnus in Attica.
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