Значения для термина "dead cities" отсутствуют.
1 Lille, Havre, Bordeaux, Lyons, Marseilles, &c., were like dead cities .
2 The crew had been spending most of its time excavating dead cities and their acropolises.
3 For the half-drowned sailor was Heinrich Schliemann, the famous explorer of the dead cities of Troy.
4 There are innumerable dead cities of this pattern.
5 I remember coming home that evening from a motor-drive through the dead cities of the Zuyder Zee.
6 Already the sun was down the sky, and a series of dead cities lay ahead of them.
7 Gentlemen... as I call you from force of habit... we've been finding dead cities of the Outsiders for centuries.
8 The forgotten deities of dead cities brandished their broken thunderbolts at the sky as Dany rode her silver past their feet.
9 But how glorious and interesting some of these dead cities are, with their silent streets and their remnants of the past!
10 But to-day the waters roll over the spot and "The Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee" are a proverb.
11 WHEN I first saw him, he was lost in one of the Dead Cities of England-situated on the South Coast, and called Sandwich.
12 "I thought you were keen to visit the Dead Cities of the Zuider Zee," said I.
13 That state of mind lasted up to the night when we arrived at the deadest of all Dead Cities of the Zuider Zee, Enkhuisen.
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