We have no meanings for "dear brethren" in our records yet.
1 And unless we have, dear brethren , there is no shining for us.
2 I am not fit, dear brethren , to tell you anything about morality.
3 Now, dear brethren , remember that this text is part of a commandment.
4 Ye know full well, dear brethren , what the wisdom of the flesh sayeth.
5 In conclusion, dear brethren , pray for my dear brother and fellow-labourer.
6 Through love of thy dear brethren all my cares have vanished.
7 And I beseech you, dear brethren , suffer this word of exhortation.
8 Jesus Christ, my dear brethren , proclaims to you all, I am the way.
9 Behold also you, dear brethren , who tremble to lean fully and solely upon.
10 So, dear brethren , blessedness is not to be found outside us.
11 And so, dear brethren , take these four words-vigilance ,trust ,purity ,exercise
12 And so, dear brethren , I come to you with the old message, 'Oh!
13 My love to all the dear brethren and sisters in the Orphan-Houses and Day-Schools.
14 The dear brethren have gone back to these unsuitable hours.
15 My dear brethren , now is the day of your redemption.
16 Pray, my dear brethren , that he may rest in peace.
Other examples for "dear brethren"
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Dear brethren through the time
Dear brethren across language varieties