Jesus believed in demoniacalpossession, casting out devils on several occasions.
Had she some fantastic idea of demoniacalpossession?
One is almost tempted to believe that demoniacalpossession is not wholly a thing of the past.
The worst fox is the Ninko or Hito-kitsune (Man-fox): this is especially the fox of demoniacalpossession.
The test applied to the largest class of miracles, connected with demoniacalpossession, discloses the falsity of all miraculous pretension.
That God dispenses both health and disease is a very different belief from that involved in " demoniacalpossession."
A jealousy so overpowering that nothing could make itself heard against it was closing upon her like a demoniacalpossession.
Delivered by Christ from that mysterious demoniacalpossession, she cleaves to Him, like a true woman, with all her heart.
The man speaking had himself graven the terrors of it on his inmost nature through many a week of demoniacalpossession.
As to whether it was leprosy, the spotted plague, or acute demoniacalpossession, the degraded Shen Heng maintains an unworthy silence.
But the question is pertinent: By what right do we allege that demoniacalpossession is an exploded figment and an impossibility?
Believing, as he did, in the actuality of Satan, the theory of demoniacalpossession came easy as the explanation of abnormal qualities.
The miraculous cure of demoniacalpossession presents, I need hardly say, less physical difficulty than any other cure performed by our Lord.
We have Christ's authority for regarding the woman's infirmity as the result of demoniacalpossession, but the case presents some singular features.
The idea that a personal impulse or emotion might be more than individual, except through demoniacalpossession, still seems to old-fashioned orthodoxy a monstrous heresy.
We no longer think of insanity as demoniacalpossession, and we no longer immure people with diseased brains in the secluded apartments of lovely houses.